List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

The list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites includes sites, which are significant in terms of cultural, historical, scientific, architecture, etc. It also includes forest areas, mountains, lakes, deserts, monuments, buildings, and cities. India has listed 38 World Heritage Sites, and it is the 6th largest number of World Heritage Sites in the world! Scroll down […]

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World Heritage Sites in and around Delhi

Did you know that one could visit more than 9 World Heritage Sites in and around Delhi? Yes it is true! Delhi, the capital city of India, has a history dating back to ancient time of Mahabharata.A continuous political hot seat, Delhi has been ruled by several dynasties. Because of the same reason, Delhi and […]

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Hampi Group of Monuments – World Heritage Sites in India

Scattered over 26 square kilometers, these 14th Century ruins designated as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites are a delight to watch and explore if you appreciate the imagination and diligence of human potential. And strangely these same ruins remind you of the utter destruction which can be wrought upon by humans themselves. The ruins give […]

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Red Fort, Delhi: World Heritage Sites in India

During tours to India one of the places to visit – if your itinerary includes Delhi – is the Red Fort monument . Delhi also happens to be the beginning point for one of the most popular tourist circuits in India, golden triangle tours – which includes Jaipur and Agra to form the three destinations. One of […]

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Qutub Minar Group of Monuments: UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

Qutub Minar’s history is as interesting as the monument’s architecture. There are two different schools of thoughts. Whereas one believes that the Qutub Minar is named after the first muslim ruler of India Qutb-ud-Din Aibak; the other believe that the structure was named on the honor of Khwaja Qutb-ud-din Bakhtiar Kaki. It is said that […]

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