There’s good news at last for those looking forward to a unique luxury rail ride on board Maharajas Express. Maharajas Express is back on track. Maharajas Express may still take the guests on “a journey like no other” up until April 2012. Hon’ble judge of the High Court of India before whom the case was pending has given Cox and Kings India Ltd. much-needed relief in their recent order.

Maharajas Express is operated by Royale India Tours Ltd. (RIRTL), a joint venture between Cox and Kings India and the IRCTC. Recently IRCTC, the owners of the train had decided to terminate their agreement with Cox and King following which Cox and Kind appealed in a court of law. Whereas Cox and Kings India Ltd. were the petitioners in the case, IRCTC was the respondent.

In a recent ruling, the Hon’ble Judge of the High Court observed:

The present petition (O.M.P 609 2011) is thus disposed of with the following directions:

63 (a) For the period commencing from 14th September 2011 uptill 31st December 2011 which is the major period for which the bookings are effected by the petitioner and their agents in overseas countries, the train namely “Maharaja Express”” Train shall continue to run for the said period under the supervision of the learned receiver as per the arrangement which was continuing at the earlier season.

Further ruling also stated that:

63 (j) The petitioner or any of his agents shall make not any further bookings for the next season which is September, 2012 to April, 2013.

What this ruling means is that guests interested in taking one of the most luxurious and sought-after luxury train journeys on board Maharajas Express might book their tour till the season-ending April 2012.

Maharajas Express, dubbed India’s answer to the Orient Express of the West is arguably Asia’s most luxurious train. The train offers 4 different pan-Indian itineraries to the guest. The train can accommodate 88 guests in a total of 88 passengers in 14 guest carriages which includes a Presidential Suite spanning a whole carriage.

Maharajas Express is renowned in the international luxury travel fraternity for its opulence and impeccable hospitality. The train comes equipped with facilities such as LCD televisions, DVD players, direct dial phones, Wi-Fi internet, and in house safe. Restaurants, a bar, a lounge with a library, and a souvenir shop add to the overall travel experience of the guests. The unique feature of the train includes guest speakers with the likes of Sir Mark Tully, Michael Buerk, and Vivek Singh taking on this mantle in the past.

Although it is not sure how long this good news might last for the connoisseurs of luxury living, it’s a welcome relief that the journeys on board this ultra-luxe train are extended till April 2011. So if you are looking to join the exclusive coterie of luxury travelers from around the world you need not wait any longer. The booking for the Maharajas Express journey lasts till the 31st of December. Book yours now! For more information visit the website of Maharajas Express. For now Maharajas Express is back on track!