You Won’t be Mugged in India IF…

India is a beautiful country offering some excellent opportunities to a traveler to explore various kinds of activities of his interest. From past many years, India has been a favorite amidst foreign tourists because of its religious, geographical and cultural diversity. It has something to offer for every kind of a tourist. Due to some recent mishappenings, India has gained a lot of negative publicity but if you follow some basic tips during your first visit to the country, you will find no safer place than India, to pick for a vacation. Read on…
  • Do not keep all your money in one place.
  • Confirm and double-check your tickets and hotel bookings well in advance to avoid any last minute hassle. Refrain yourself from booking a room in a cheap accommodation as it might not be a safe thing to do, just to save some money.
  • Try to act brave, smart and be aware of your surroundings but stay away from acting over-smart as that might prove to be harmful. But being a little extra careful, is not going  to harm you.
  • Do not go on bragging about yourself or your country. Try to speak only when it is necessary.
  • If you are traveling in a group, then do not move away from them. During sightseeing etc., stick to your group. You will be saved from unnecessary attention of guides. Keeping a guide book is a better option.
  • Follow the rule, ‘When in Rome, Act like Romans Do’, in a culturally sensitive country like India, dress in traditional manner when you are travelling. If you are visiting some religious sites, refrain yourself from wearing tank tops, shorts and similar kind of clothes. Respect the norms of the society.
  • Keep yourself well-equipped with necessary medicines and basic first aid stuff. If you have some kind of allergy, do not forget your medicines so that if you feel unwell, you do not need to go around and search for a doctor.
  • You must carry an online copy of all the important documents. Always keep your passport with you and not in your luggage. Also, keep a photograph or two.
  • Register yourself with your home embassy in Delhi, once your trip is finalized. If you want to gain some travel information about the state where you  are travelling, then you can get it from  the tourism office of that state.
  • During your intra-city travel, stick either to public transport like buses or use the services of pre-paid booths for taxis and auto rickshaws. In this manner, you will be saved from losing or being ripped off, a large portion of your money on transportation.
  • While you are travelling, keep some loose change or money in your pockets. Do not open your purse or wallet again and again.
  • While you are traveling from one state to another and there are stoppages at various places, avoid keeping your luggage on the roof of the bus. If possible, keep it with yourself only, in the front of your eyes.
  • Keep your luggage light. Avoid packing unnecessary items that you might actually not need while on your tour to India. Try to carry a bar or two, so that you do not need a porter to carry your baggage.
  • Refrain yourself from exchanging your contact details with strangers, as it might not be a good idea at all.
  • Try to avoid talking to a person who is trying to act ‘extra-friendly’. Do not eat anything, if they offer it to you.