The Indian luxury train, Deccan Odyssey reached Kolhapur in Maharashtra on Wednesday with 14 tourists. The esteemed guests of the rail tour include domestic and foreigners from United Kingdom and Germany. This is the luxury train’s first journey since the tourism season began this month.

Deccan Odyssey began its first journey of the season from Mumbai on November 7. The tour starts from Mumbai then visits Aurangabad, Tadoba, Ajanta and Nashik, it arrived in Kolhapur for six hours before leaving for Ratnagiri and to Goa. In Kolhapur, a special program was arranged at Bhavani Mandap for the guests of the train. The tourist enjoyed a local-traditional martial art performance, Mardani Khel performed by local artists.

The Deccan Odyssey is a joint venture between MTDC, Indian Railways and Union ministry of tourism. Since 2014, private tour operator Cox and Kings operate the service. The luxurious train runs two tours such as Deccan Odyssey for Maharashtra and Indian Maharaja-Deccan Odyssey for pan-India tour.

Kolhapur District collector, Amit Saini and district police superintendent Manojkumar Sharma were present for the function. Before the presentation, Deccan Odyssey travelers visited New Place and Mahalaxmi temple. The highlight of the program was the local traditional martial art performance. Suhas Thombare along with his colleagues presented his skills for an hour before the tourists, who responded with cheerful applause.

By the April 2016, at least 9 more Deccan Odyseey tours are expected to be arranged. The second tour of the train will start from Mumbai on November 28 and the third on December 26. From January to April 2016, the train will arrive in Kolhapur twice each month.